Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'

Friday, June 17, 2011

K0wg pernah terfikir tak ?........

"Kan bagus kal0 waktu dapat diulang kembali..."

Emm..Ayat tuh selalu kita dengar kan..Dalam drama..lagi-lagi bila kita da buat suatu kesilapan besar..hmm...Ape yang aku nak sampaikan nih..aku teruja dengan mesin masa la !.. k0wg ase bende nih akan dicipta tak...bende nih mustahil ke ? ..ermmm ...jum kite usha te0ry2 Saintis2 nih... :)

 Ni  WORMHOLE ....dia lbey kurang macam blackhole la .. aku st0ry la..firstly aku nak cakap..aku bukan saintis r en..kal0 maklumat aku ni salah..jangan marah aku kaji la jgak mende2 nih..0ke..let start..cehh..HAHA..ermm..w0rmh0le ni sauatu ruang la..yang memb0lehkan kita merentas mase..snang cite..bende nih macam Teleport r..oke..k0rang nak tgk cne die pegi kan..ahha.emm..k0wg nampak tak SIRIUS tu...ja0h dia dalam 90 trilion kil0meter .. ja0h wehh..aku nak bjalan 1 kil0 meter pn mintak ampun time pose lar..hehe..ermm..ja0h kan..s0..mase yg kite amek kal0 nak pegi sane lbey kurang 9 tahun cahaya dari bumi..uihh..bape lame tuh ek ? ..tah la aku tak blaja ag cane na kire tahun cahaya tuh rase2nye..mmg lame la kowt.. :P ..ermm...oke..point die..kal0 kita gunakan w0rmh0le nih..mybe kite akan sampai dalam sehari,seminit,or sesaat ke SIRIUS tuh...kal0 kita berjaya..maknenye..kita da merentas masa la!..sbb..kal0 bet0l kita nak sampai ke sirius tuh..aku ase tah hidup ag ke tak kite..tak sempat kowt sampai..haa...cmtu la teory die...cume..kite b0le bygkan kal0 Wormhole ni ad kat bumi...wuishh..mmg kite da sampai ke masa depan kowt..tak pn belakang...nak tgk gak zaman dulu en..umah aku ni tempat ape kan..hahah..mane la tw kub0 kea..haha...

~Oke..Ape Yang Aku Nak Buat Kalo Dapat Balek ke Masa Dulu ~(muda2..haha)....

1. Aku nak Balek ke tarikh 9/9/10 ! - Tarikh yg takkan aku lupe..m0t0 LC aku hilang...raya aku tak ceria..aku nak kunci m0t0 aku tu balek time tu :(

2. Aku Nak jumpe diri aku..N pesan kat diri aku tu belajar el0k2..sbb aku da rase nysal da ni..tak belaja bet0l2..hmm..

3. Aku nak nak pergi ke tarikh mak n bapak aku nga c0uple..hahaha..cane la gaye di0wg date en..hahah...

4. Erm..lastly.... aku na tebus balek d0sa2 yg aku penah buat..aku nak suruh diri aku yg dulu tu..jgn tggl s0lat..hmm...aku bnyak sgt tinggal s0lat tanpa sebab..

Tapi............sume ni Mmg mustahil n takkan terjadi la..
Aku terfikir gak..cube kal0 aku balek ke mase dulu..N bunuh diri aku tu...mst aku tak wujud da kat mase depan kan..tapi cane plak aku b0le balek ke masa dulu tu ..kate tak wujud..ahahaa..pening kan...taya pk la...aku kaji mende nih pn..saje2 je ..minat..tak tepengaruh pn...but...THE MORAL OF THE STORIES >> K0rang hargailah hidup k0wg..lagi satu..tlg la...buat kputusan dengan bet0l supaya k0wg tak menyesal di kemudian hari nnt..N yang PALING penting SENTIASALAH BERIBADAT DAN INGAT KEPADANYA... :)))
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Let's sing ! :D

Jason Mraz - Pritiest Friends

This is what I look like today
And I'm trying not to pull out my hair
I'm trying hard to grow it but I'm far too shy to show it back there
That is probably why I like wearing hats
There's no denying I'm deferring the facts
Avoiding confrontation
Lacks tact in a situation
Behind every line is a lesson yet to learn

But if you asked me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overwhelming
And oh it goes to show
There's so much to know

I wrote this for my prettiest friend
But while trying not to prove that I care
I was trying not to make all my moves in one motion and scare her away
She can't see she's making me crazy now
I don't believe she knows she's amazing how
She has me holding my breath
So I'd never guess that I'm a nonesuch unsuitable, suitor for her

And if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is complimentary
And oh it goes to show
The moral of the story is boy loves girl
And so on, but the way that it unfolds is yet to be told

I know that I should be brave
Even pretty can be seen by the blind
I know that I cannot wait
Until the day we finally learn how to find each other
Redefining open minds

And if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overjoyed
And it's golden, it goes to show then
The ending of this song should be left alone
And so on cause the way it unfolds is yet to be told
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In Progress...

Ermmmm...haaa...Nampak pkataan tuh.. :P aku nih ..bwu je na di "renovate" kan ..yela ari2 bnde same muak bg cam jambu sket r..kowg na cakap ape..cakap la..huhu ! ..
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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cuti Panjang ........

Bila cuti ..jadi b0ring..sbb takde duet..kal0 takde duet..kene keje..tapi keje tak jumpe2..kal0 tak jumpe2 nak jumpe sape ??
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